Are you achy and anxious at the end of your day?

When you Unwind with Fit and Centered, you'll bring balance back to your body and prepare your mind for sleep.

Valued at $77

Now Only $19.99

Black Friday Sale!

Is this for you?

This is for you if:

  •   Your day is done, but your brain is not slowing down
  •  You have a list of things running on repeat in your mind
  •  Your body aches from poor posture and repetitive movements
  • Your day is filled with activities like picking up kiddos, holding them, cleaning up toys, dishes, laundry and bending over the tub at bath time
  • You're someone who spends hours hunched over a computer screen
  • You have a long commute or drive a lot

What if there was a way to calm your mind and body to prepare for more restful sleep? 

What if there was a way to bring balance to your body after a full day of poor posture and repetitive movements?

That's exactly why I created Unwind with Fit and Centered. To bring calm to your mind and balance to your body in just 15 minutes a day.

Imagine going to bed with a balanced body and a calmer mind.

Get started now

What you are getting

  • The Unwind: a 15 minute video of YOGA inspired movements to bring balance to your body

  • A detailed MODIFICATIONS page to meet you where you are

  • Tools to enhance the experience in the COMFORT of your home

  • Bonus! Tea and essential oils GUIDE to learn and explore other ways of enhancing the practice

  • Bonus! A ten minute guided meditation AVAILBLE IN AUDIO format to listen to before you fall asleep or anytime you need to unwind

Course curriculum

    1. The Introduction

    2. Disclaimer

    1. Modifications and Alignment Tips

    2. The Unwind

    1. A short lesson on how to use the teas and essential oils

    2. Tea and Essential Oil suggestions

    1. Guided Muscle Relaxation Meditation

    2. Survey Upon Completion

About this course

  • $19.99
  • 8 lessons


Courtney Centrelli-Tischner DC

Dr. Centrelli-Tischner is a chiropractor practicing for over 10 years. She is also a yoga instructor with 20 + years of personal yoga experience and has been teaching since 2013. She is an army wife and mom of two boys. Her first son was born with a severe congenital heart defect and has had 3 open heart surgeries. He is a heart warrior, autism warrior, and epilepsy warrior. Needless to say that comes with some additional stress. She created The Unwind after seeing so many patients and mom friends struggling at the end of their day. They are tired, hard working, and deserve balance and good sleep. She wants to help calm your mind and bring some ease to your body, so you can have a better quality more restful sleep.


  • I don't have any yoga experience. Can I still benefit?

    Absolutely! This is an all levels class so beginners are welcome to join. There is also a modifications page that can be utilized.

  • Can I do this with my kids?

    Yes! They can reap the benefits of this practice as well. My 2 year old loves to do yoga with me. Sometimes he follows along really well and sometimes he is more interested in climbing on me.

  • I don' t have essential oils. Do I need to buy them?

    No. I will teach you the benefits of a few and how to use them if you want to experiment, but its not necessary for the practice.

  • Do I need a yoga mat?

    Not necessarily, but it might be more comfortable with a mat, especially if you have hard floors.

  • Can I do it in the morning?

    Sure! You can do it whenever you feel the need to unwind.

  • Can I get a refund?

    Because of the digital nature of the product returns are not available.

  • Is this a subscription?

    This is not a subscription. It is a one time charge, but you get to keep the content for life and repeat it as much as you need. How great it that?!

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